Do you jump from job to job or project to project seeking something greater which fulfills you, only to come up short again and again? If you have, you are NOT alone. We can often be drawn in by seemingly bright and shiny new jobs, cities, and activities in pursuit of our happiness. But, until we truly understand ourselves, who we foundationally are, we won’t be able to truly decipher which pursuit is truly right for us. This is the process of awareness.
Awareness is a deep exploration into ourselves to discover who we truly are, and what we desire in life. The experiences of our lives define us and shape us. They make us unique and provide us with great insight for understanding who we are and what we desire. Furthermore, they can help us define our foundational identity. An identity which consists of what we value, what we need, what our strengths are, what motivates us, what inspires us, what we desire to achieve; and what we don’t value, what we don’t need, what our growing edges are, what does not motivate us, what does not inspire us, and what we are not seeking to achieve.
Can you see how the experiences of your life have shaped your foundational identity?
Exploring who we truly are by defining our foundational identity gives us clarity around the path in life which is truly right for us. And once we have clarity, we can begin to strategic define and outline the vision of the life we desire.
Are you ready to explore and gain clarity around who you truly are? Click here for a free pdf full of helpful tips and exercises to guide you.
P.S. Did you know it is now easier than ever to contact us and gain clarity today? Click here to schedule your free consultation, or call (412)420-0706.
P.S.S. We are here to help! We know it can be daunting and overwhelming thinking about how to create clarity. So, we’ve created programs for you which meets you where you are and addresses your individual needs. Take our quick free assessment by clicking here to see how we can help you today.