Flattening the Fear Curve Part 1

Flattening the Fear Curve Part 1

Our Strive For More pledge to you during this time of crisis is: “To provide free, short, simple, and actionable content to tackle the real challenges we are facing now.” In line with our pledge, here is the first part of a series of actions you can implement right...


Edwin Locke and Gary Latham pioneered the scientific inquiry into goal setting.  They state a person’s values drive their vision of themselves (emotions and desires), which in turn drives their goals, which inspire behavior change through four factors: Directed...
Recognizing Limiting Beliefs

Recognizing Limiting Beliefs

As human beings, we hold beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.  Sometimes, our beliefs are associated with negative thoughts and prevent us from thinking clearly.  If left unchecked, these beliefs can hold us back in life.  But if we are clouded by these...

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